Evolution of the fields of Toxicology and Epigenetics
How does a field of science evolve? What are the historical, social, ethical, and regulatory mechanisms that influence the evolution of a certain science? We explore these large questions in collaboration with other scientists, sociologists, historians, and philosophers in the UCLA Institute for Society & Genetics, the UCLA EpiCenter, the UCLA’s Sustainable Technology and Policy Program (STPP), as well as through a vast number of international collaborations. Some of this work is linked below:
Angrish MM, Allard P, McCullough SD, Druwe IL, Helbling Chadwick L, Hines E, Chorley BN. Epigenetic Applications in Adverse Outcome Pathways and Environmental Risk Evaluation. Environ Health Perspect. 2018 Apr 12;126(4):045001. doi: 10.1289/EHP2322.
Dubois M, Louvel S, Le Goff A, Guaspare C, Allard P. Epigenetics in the public sphere: interdisciplinary perspectives. Environ Epigenet. 2019 Oct 24;5(4):dvz019. doi: 10.1093/eep/dvz019. eCollection 2019 Oct.
Zaunbrecher V, Beryt E, Parodi D, Telesca D, Doherty J, Malloy T, Allard P. Has Toxicity Testing moved into the 21st Century? A Survey and Analysis of Perceptions in the Field of Toxicology. Environmental Health Perspectives. DOI:10.1289/EHP1435
T Malloy, V Zaunbrecher, E Beryt, R Judson, R Tice, P Allard, A Blake, et al. Advancing alternatives analysis: The role of predictive toxicology in selecting safer chemical products and processes. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management. 2017.